Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Perpetual Motion Door Stopper

I can't believe its already been roughly two months since I started working. The life is live has hit the gas pedal and balancing work and leisure has been a tougher process than I thought. Go out too hard Friday and your Saturday is wasted recovering (not young anymore). But can't complain, fresh grad, employed, living in New York City.

Got the work grind during the day, GMAT classes at night, only time to run and exercise to clear my thoughts are early in the morning. I thought waking up at 6:30 each morning would be a struggle, but once you get into a routine its not so bad. Somehow I couldn't get this down when going to 8AM classes during school. Work has taken off, and I'm busy day in and day out. I can't complain, this industry is so exciting, fast paced and I love the environment I work in. From crunching the deliverables to talking to my bosses about my weekend and then staying late on failblog with my superviser - its a great mix of work and play. As busy as I am, its tough to stay on top of my GMAT studies. Quite frankly the task of taking another test sucks, and if I had a choice I would never want to take a standardized test again.

With all this that is my life I see stories pop up on my social networks or through the grape vine of my old high school classmates getting married, settling down. I really can't fathom the prospect of that at my age of 22. With the whole world left to see I couldn't imagine having to get tied down to a place, a routine, a situation and start thinking about a family. Quite frankly, I make only enough money annually to support myself. Which blows my mind to my high school classmates that are married and getting ready to have a bun in the oven. More power to you, but a certain part of me wonders shouldn't you have explored a little more before you made this big choice? At such a young age we have so much to live for - I for one still need to work in 2 more international cities before I settle down - so much we have yet to figure out about ourselves.

I can't complain about this fast paced life that I live; I love every waking minute of it. Only here can you learn how to manage with 4-5 hours of sleep a night and go at it hard the next day. But maybe its not for everybody, maybe people strive for that slow paced life. I would expect people to make one big circle. Go off to college, do some work or some other commitment abroad or across the country and eventually come back. Majority of them just stayed within a 30 mile radius of home. Looking back I wonder what I would have been had I stayed in California for school, went to a UC, just let things happen. I truly believe everybody once in their life given a chance should, no, needs to work in New York City. See if you can live it - I can't believe I've been doing it for 4 and 1/2 years.

Best news ever - Dad hooked me up with tickets to London in December. The excitement is absolutely amazing and I can't wait to go. Saving up now so I can get a Nikon D3000 and snap some sweet pictures. And writing about it. Yes. BOMB.

So anyway, live your life! Hold nothing back. Friends leaving, friends coming, Electric Zoo coming in a view weeks. Work the grind, make the cheeze, spend the cheeze, drink it away, rinse repeat. Enjoy the humidity, hate the cold, soak up the sun, exercise the head, mind, and soul. Get out of relationshits, learn to be independent. Learn how to iron a shirt, make your own stock, cook a steak.

Live the life you see fit.


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