So after one night of pubbing and clubbing in the streets of Cork, this is what I have learned about Irish people.
1. Not all Irish people like Guinness, in fact some people think its disgusting.
2. Irish girls drink Coors Light instead of Guinness
3. Irish guys like Japanese cars and drive Nissan Skylines
4. Some Irish people have never heard of Irish Car Bombs.
Lastly, the porportion of hot girls to ugly ones here its ridiculous. In one night at the club (Club Havana), I saw more beautiful looking girls than my entire semester in London. Not only that, the club's music was better than 95% of the clubs I went to. Cork doesn't make any sense, and me and Ben realized that as we stood just in awe and in puzzling shock of the situation that we saw.
Along with that, in our trip to Kinsale, the port town south of Cork the day was absolutely beautiful. Having great seafood by the pier and enjoying some nice pints at pubs that are 300 years old, there was not a spec of rain that dropped on us the entire day.
Cork is great, but doesn't make any sense, I don't know if my impressions of Ireland will ever be the same. Pictures will come up soon.