Thursday, April 9, 2009

"I'm not a Businessman, I'm a business man"

Well, the boys of OnTrak along with my boy A-Live from Green Street Records performed in the Battle of the Bands competition in UMass-Amherst. How confident (and potentially sacrilegious) it was for us to buy the celebratory pieces before even performing, but thats how confident the boys where. After a little bit of drama in the beginning sound checks trying to figure out what song to play, the boys were ready and rocked the crowd. After three rounds of competition, initially starting with over 60 applicants, OnTrack finishes on top, winning the coveted opening slot for the Spring Concert for UMass-Amherst on May 3rd, 2009. The lineup includes Girl Talk and the man himself, LUPE FIASCO.

One of the few rappers that I truly respect and admire, this is a great opportunity for the boys. Not only do they get to open for him, but they have the likely opportunity of performing with him on stage together. Not a bad gig. Here are some early preliminary pictures. The video will be up soon.

Me and A-Live

The Real Life Entourage: Mr Dev, Chilly, and A-Live
Getting famous

Green Street and OnTrak, taking over.

Once I have time to edit, will throw up the video. Until then, check our A-live's blog:

Mister Dev's blog:

Chilly's blog:

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